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Collective Worship

We take part in Collective Worship daily. Each week, the whole school follow the same theme and we listen to the same scripture. The scripture is taken from the Sunday Gospel which is shared in church. On Fridays, we gather together in the hall for a whole school Collective Worship. Classes take it in turn to lead the worship with the support of their class teacher. 


Our Friday assemblies are also a chance for us to learn more about the different parts of the Liturgical year such as Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. Sometimes, we learn more about our church Saints or about events such as International Women's Day. 


We sing hymns after this and then we end with a prayer before our head children dismiss the classes ready for the weekend!


Collective Worship Themes


We follow the themes in the Wednesday Word publication which is based on the Sunday Gospel.

The themes for the autumn term can be found below.






During Advent, we start each week, with a Monday morning, whole-school worship. Year three teach us about the different weeks of Advent and the meaning of each candle on the Advent wreath. 

First Week of Advent - Hope

Second Week of Advent - Peace
