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Catholic Life

Judaism Zoom with Rabbi Zvi Solomons


On Monday 15th November the whole school took part in a virtual visit from Rabbi Zvi Solomons.  We loved taking part in the Zoom visit and listening to Rabbi Solomon's story. The moral of the story was that it is very important to say sorry as soon as you realise you have done something wrong, even though it can be hard to say.




Remembrance Day Assembly

On Thursday 11th November, Year 6 led a beautiful school assembly to commemorate Armistice Day. The children spoke to the school about why and how we commemorate all of those who have been affected  by war, especially those who sacrificed their lives for the liberty of future generations. At 11am, we all stopped and remembered. Year 6's assembly was a special addition to our focus week of remembrance.


CAFOD Go Green for Harvest

On Friday 15th October, we took part in Cafod's 'Go Green for Harvest' campaign. Moira from CAFOD came and spoke to the whole school about the campaign and how we can help communities overseas who are working to protect the Amazon and those who are working to fight the climate crisis. In support of the campaign, the whole school dressed in green and donated money which has been donated to CAFOD. 


We also talked about the importance of supporting our local community this harvest time. We collected LOTS of food which has been donated to the foodbank! 


Thank you so much to all of our families for supporting both campaigns! You are amazing!

St Theresa's Mass

On Tuesday, the whole school visited church to celebrate St Theresa's Feast Day with a celebratory Mass. It is the first time that we have been to church to celebrate Mass with Father Phil in a long time! Year 6 led the Mass and our Reception class received a special blessing and welcome from Father. The whole school said a prayer asking God to bless our new Reception class and to help them to 'do the little things well'. Our head children and pupil forum representatives were also announced and celebrated. It was lovely to be in church once again with Father and to sing some of our favourite hymns!


40 hours continuous prayer before the blessed sacrament.

On Monday 4th October, each class visited St Theresa's Church to worship and pray before the blessed sacrament (the consecrated sacramental bread and wine) which was exposed (displayed) in the monstrance on the altar. 


The children were very excited to be able to visit church once again. Church was beautifully decorated because of St Theresa's Feast Day on the 1st October.
