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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Year 6 team: Miss Hulley and Miss Roberts


We have settled into the new school year and your children are already working hard. I am looking forward to working with the children and you, their families, again this year.


Children should be in school at 8:30am for us to be able to start the school day.


  • PE lessons take place on a Wednesday and PE kit can be worn to school on that day.
  • Please ensure all items of uniform and PE kit have your child’s name in them



  • Home reading must be done every day it ensures children are working on their fluency and understanding
  • Spellings and timetables should be learnt on a nightly basis. The children all have a log in for TT rock stars which can help them learn their timetables.
  • Spelling lists will be given out on a Monday and children will bring these home to learn.


Important Dates:

SATS week will be the week beginning Monday 12th May 2025. This is when the children will sit the statutory end of primary school tests.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to me, either on the playground or via class dojo messages.




End of Year 6 Expectations
