St Theresa’s is a Catholic school for pupils aged 3 to 11. It is an extended school, open from 8.00am until 5.00pm.
What Ofsted Said About Us (February 2007):
The school is Outstanding and offers excellent value for money.
Constant and well earned praise is given which encourages pupils to try harder.
Every minute of the day is a learning experience.
Teaching ensures that pupils are self motivated, excited, sociable and know what they need to do to improve their work.
The head teacher’s vision and determination to ensure the best for all pupils has resulted in outstanding provision.
We value our Catholicity and aim to develop a knowledge and love of God, through Christ as our role model.
We value pupils’ skills and talents.
We aim to identify and celebrate all success, however small.
We value personalised learning.
We value pupils’ successes and aim to encourage the support of parents, staff, governors and outside agencies in its realisation
We are fully inclusive and value and celebrate diversity.