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The Headteacher’s Performance Review Committee

October: 2023

Membership: The committee shall consist of not less than two Governors plus the Headteacher.

  • Fr P Swanson
  • Mrs I Dillon
  • Miss P Caine


Meetings: The committee shall meet at least once a term and otherwise as required.


Terms of Reference:

  • To carry out the Head Teacher’s annual performance review as laid down in current legislation and the school’s Performance Management Policy.
  • To arrange to meet with the School Improvement Partner (SIP) to discuss the Head Teacher’s performance targets.
  • To decide, with the support of the SIP, whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually.
  • To monitor through the year the performance of the Head Teacher against the targets.
  • To make recommendations to the appropriate Committee responsible for making decisions on pay in respect of any incremental advance on the pay scale.
  • To consider and report back upon such matters as may be delegated or devolved to the Committee by the Governing Body.