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Health and Safety Committee

October: 2023

Membership: The committee shall consist of not less than two Governors plus the Headteacher.

  • Fr P Swanson
  • Mrs S Hughes
  • Mrs S Johnson
  • Mr D Lorenzo


Quorum: The quorum shall be two Governors, plus the Headteacher.

Meetings: The committee shall meet at least once a term and otherwise as required.


Terms of Reference:

  • To provide support and guidance for the Head Teacher on all matters relating to the school premises and grounds, school security and health and safety requirements.
  • To annually inspect the premises and grounds and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development (linked to the school’s Asset Management Plan) for approval by the Governing Body. This will include periodic inspections of buildings, plant and equipment.
  • To assist the Governing Body and the Head Teacher to discharge their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Environmental Protection Act.
  • To consider the Local Authority’s policies on Health and Safety and recommend a policy for the school to be adopted by the Governing Body.
  • To ensure that the necessary school management organisation is in place to implement the policy and monitor the effectiveness of the school’s Health and Safety Policy.
  • To ensure that the school complies with Health and Safety Regulations.
  • To approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs and redecoration of the premises within the appropriate budget allocation.
  • To establish and keep under review a building development plan and an accessibility plan.
  • To ensure that the school undertakes any necessary liaison/consultation with the Local Authority’s Property Services Section where appropriate.
  • To consider and report back upon such matters as may be delegated or devolved to the Committee by the Governing Body.


Administrative Responsibilities

  • To ensure there are effective Clerking arrangements in place for the Committee.
  • To submit minutes to the full Governing Body.