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Welcome to Nursery at St. Theresa's.

This is your class page and where you will find any new updates and information throughout the year. 

We are very proud of how the children have settled into school life and how they are beginning to form excellent relationships with their peers. 


The staff working in Nursery this year are Miss Clarke and Mrs Corbett


Teacher: Miss Clarke          Teaching Assistant: Mrs Corbett



Please enquire in the school office if you are interested.

Nursery sessions run from 8.45-11:45, Monday to Friday for the children that attend 15 hours.

Children can take up a place in our Nursery after their third birthday.


For parents with 30 hour funding, if you would like your child to stay with us for lunch, you can book this at a cost of £4.00 per day.

Please, can we remind you that your 30 hour unique code will need to be refreshed every 3 months.


The children in nursery will learn and develop ideas and skills through areas of learning including:


Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language


Specific areas



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


In order to plan efficiently, children’s progress and future learning needs are assessed and recorded through frequent observation. Ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development process. Staff are involved in daily observations and assessments throughout their time in EYFS. They include a balance between child-initiated tasks and teacher led activities in both the inside and outside learning environment. Observations are placed in each child’s learning journey.


Our aim is to enable your child to become self-confident, relaxed and happy in a supportive and caring environment. A large part of nursery is learning to be with others both in work and play. Children learn to socialise, to share and take turns, to put equipment away and to become responsible for their belongings. This helps your child to become a reliable, independent person who will have confidence in his/her own ability.



In Nursery children are provided with nutritious snacks both AM and PM.

If your child has any medical conditions or allergies please ensure that the staff are aware of this. 



The children eat their lunch every day in the nursery classroom and we ask that you provide your child’s packed lunch if staying for wrap around care.


Coats, bags and bookbags

Your child will have a coat peg with his/her name clearly displayed to hang up coats/bags and any spare clothing. Please ensure that your child always has an appropriate coat/waterproof jacket in school. Also, can you provide spare clothes just in case of any accidents or children getting wet during water play. Please make sure cardigans, jumpers and coats are clearly labelled too so that no items of clothing are lost.

We invite you to send your child with a pair of wellies and an all-in-one waterproof (puddle) suit if you would like to. This will allow them to access the outdoor provision in all weathers and we really do enjoy splashing in the puddles!

Please label all belongings clearly with your child’s name.



Our PE day is every Thursday, the children are to come to school in their PE kits which they will stay in all day. The children can wear a school PE kit or anything suitable for sports, this can be shorts and t-shirt or when the weather is colder a tracksuit.



Homework will be sent home every Friday along with a reading book for you both to share. All homework/reading books need to be returned the following Tuesday.



If your child has an illness, such as sickness and diarrhoea we ask that you keep them off school for 48 hours after their last bout of the illness.



The Reading Rainbow Challenge

We also would like to introduce a challenge. The Rainbow Reading challenge has been designed to encourage parents to read more books at home with your child and help them develop a love for reading.


Every time you share a book at home with your child and you comment in the reading record book, they will receive a sticker on their individual reading rainbow chart.  Please make a note of any additional books you share with your child at home and we will also award stickers for these books too. When they have achieved ten stickers they will be awarded their first certificate.


The order of the certificates follows the colour's of the rainbow:

10 books-Reds

20 books-Orange

30 books- Yellow

40 books-Greens

50 books- Blue

60 books- Indigo

70 books -Violet

80 or more books - Gold coin certificate and prize.


We really appreciate all your help and look forward to moving your child across the Reading Rainbow to reach the Golden pot.


If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any of the nursery team at any point. We will do our very best to help you.

Welcome to Nursery
