The name of the school is St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School.
The school is a maintained school.
The name of the governing body is “The Governing Body of St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School”.
The governing body shall consist of:
(a) 6 foundation governors;
(b) 2 parent governors;
(c) 1 Headteacher;
(d) 1 staff governor;
(e) 1 local authority governor
Total number of governors is 11.
The term of office for every governor is 4 years.
The Archdiocese in consultation with the governors is entitled to appoint foundation governors.
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School will aim to provide a caring Christian atmosphere where each person is respected as a unique individual with a God given dignity. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils, whatever their abilities. Children are entitled to develop fully, to become socially, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually integrated members of society.
This Instrument of Government comes into effect on 30th March 2015.
This Instrument of Government was made by order of St Helens Local Authority on 26th March 2015.
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