Welcome to Year 2!
The summer holidays are over, and we have already had a busy few days in year 2! We have lots of exciting learning to look forward to, including our traditional tales topic in literacy, artwork based on the skill of drawing and our new science topic about materials.
The staff that will be working with your children this year are myself (Mrs Geary), Mrs Foster and Mrs Corbett.
- In Maths we will be focusing on number and place value, ensuring that we understand the number system and that we have secure knowledge of our number facts.
- This year it is really important that we learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. It would be great if you could practise these at home too as it will help to improve the maths that the children can do in school. I will be sending home the login details for timestable rockstars too. Also, as telling the time is a really tricky skill to learn, it would be a great help if you could regularly discuss and tell the time with your child.
- We will be continuing with our Read, Write, Inc / spelling mastery programme where the children will continue to learn their speed sounds, we ask them to remember to use their knowledge of their sounds when they are reading at home too. Individual reading books will be sent home on a Friday, please fill in the home/school reading diary. The books that we send home are an easier level than the books that the children read in school in order to help them to read fluently to you.
- We have a weekly spelling test on a Friday. It is really important that the children learn the spellings that are sent home because they are the words that they need to know by the end of year 2. We ask them to remember that it isn’t just about getting the spellings right for the spelling test; their writing will improve greatly if they remember the correct spelling of key words in other writing too. They will be sent home every Friday and tested the following Friday. I have also attached the National Curriculum spelling list to this letter. These are the words all children are expected to know by the end of year 2.
Homework: is currently under review and as soon as a whole school decision is made I will let you know.
- We have PE every Tuesday afternoon. The children can come to school in their kit, please make sure it is appropriate for school but also the weather.
If your child has asthma or any allergies or medical conditions that I need to be aware of please let me know as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to me before or after school.
Overview of learning in Autumn 1
Literacy - We will be reading and working with a range of fairy tales including traditional tales and some with a twist!!!
Maths- Our first strand of mathematics is place value. We will be exploring the value of the digits in numbers up to 100.
RE - Beginnings - We will be exploring our new beginnings including starting in year 2 but also looking at the bible story all about the beginning of the world.
Science - We will be studying materials and their properties
History - We begin our topic on the Great Fire of London. We look at London in 1666 including the living conditions and how the house were made. We consider carefully the cause and consequences of the Great Fire.
Geography - Our first geography topic is all about St Helens. We look at St Helens location on a map and then we are going to do some field work on the centre of St Helens and the regeneration that is planned.
Art- We will be focusing on the artist Trisha Brown.
Computing-We always focus on e-safety at the beginning of the new school year