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Reception Class Page


Welcome to Reception at St. Theresa’s.

Teacher: Miss E Beard Teaching Assistants: Mrs Welsby 

All of the Reception staff are very proud of the way the children have settled into school life. They have behaved very sensibly and followed the class rules and routines.


The staff working in Reception this year are myself, Miss Beard, and one teaching assistant Mrs Welsby. Ms Delaney will be in class every Tuesday morning and our lunchtime supervisors are Ms Carroll and Mrs Owen.


Our PE day is every Thursday, the children are to come to school in their PE kits which they will stay in all day. The children can wear a school PE kit or anything suitable for sports, this can be shorts and t-shirt or when the weather is colder a tracksuit.


We will be sending out two reading books each week, the first book will be at their current phonic level, the second will be a challenge book. This is a book that you are to share with your child, talking about the pictures and reading together. Reading books are sent home on a Friday to be returned by Tuesday so that we can read at least once per week in school and change reading books when your child is ready to move on.


If your child has an illness, such as sickness and diarrhoea we ask that you keep them off school for 48 hours after their last bout of the illness.


Children can bring a water bottle into school which will be sent home at the end of every day, please ensure this is labelled with their name.


Please bring a change of clothes for your child into school in a clearly labelled bag with their name and make sure cardigans and coats are clearly labelled too so that no items of clothing are lost.


Thank you for your patience at home time. It will take us a little while to recognise you all! Please remember the gates for Reception open at 8:30am and will close at 8:40am, all children in after 8:40am will be marked as late. School finishes for Reception at 3:00pm.


Thank you for all your support so far. If you have any questions, please ask me or a member of staff on the gate in the morning or at the end of the day.
