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The Curriculum Committee

October: 2023

Membership: The committee shall consist of not less than two Governors plus the Headteacher.

  • Fr P Swanson
  • Miss P Caine
  • Mrs I Dillon
  • Mrs S Johnson
  • Mrs L Rankin


Quorum: The quorum shall be two Governors, plus the Headteacher.

Meetings: The committee shall meet at least once a term and otherwise as required.


Terms of Reference:

  • To advise the Governing Body on standards, the school’s Curriculum Statement, the LA’s Curriculum Statement and its statutory obligations under the National Curriculum.
  • With the assistance of staff, to provide information to the Governing Body about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced.
  • To establish, adopt and review the policy and provision for Collective Worship and for Religious Education.
  • To establish, adopt and review the policy and provision for Sex Education.
  • To ensure that the requirements of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Looked After Children (LAC) are met.
  • To review the information about the school performance, which the Governing Body is required to publish.
  • To approve the School Profile.
  • To approve the school’s Self Evaluation Form (SEF).
  • To establish, adopt and review the home-school agreement.
  • To make recommendations as to a Governing Body statement on pupil behaviour and discipline, including a policy on behaviour and upon the exclusion of pupils.
  • To review, after consultation with the Head Teacher, staff and parents, the school policies on pastoral care, welfare, health and safety and school uniform.
  • To monitor and secure a balanced treatment, where required, of political issues.
  • To contribute and monitor relevant areas of the School Improvement Plan.
  • To approve and monitor school attainment and improvement targets and provide termly progress reports.
  • To develop a policy on visits to school by Governors and subsequently establish an annual programme of visits.
  • To receive reports from Governors with a designated interest in specific curriculum areas.


Administrative Responsibilities

  • To ensure there are effective Clerking arrangements in place for the Committee.
  • To submit minutes to the full Governing Body.