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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!  


The staff working with your children this year are Miss Kime (Monday to Wednesday, Mr

Foulkes (Thursday and Friday) and Miss Creevy. Although there are two members of teaching

staff, we both have the same extremely high expectations of attitude, behaviour, and effort

and work closely together to ensure complete continuity across the week.

The children will also work with other members of staff throughout the year including our

Spanish teacher.


Below are a few notices about the following year:


  • Children are expected to be in school between 8:30am and will be dismissed at 3pm. It is

extremely important that they are on time as lesson start promptly at 8:30am.

  • Regular PE lessons take place on a Monday afternoon. The children can wear appropriate

clothing for the full day. Sometimes your child may do PE outside- therefore please

ensure that they are dressed appropriately. 


  • Homework:

- Spellings: The children have five spellings per day to learn at home. They are tested on

spellings on Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A full list of the following

week’s spellings will be sent home.


  • Reading:

This should be an ongoing task each night. The children read daily in school and we

encourage this to be the case at home too. At this age, we find that the children have

developed their own interests and prefer to read a book of their choice rather than a

given text and therefore we are happy for your child to read a book from home.

Listening to your child read as often as possible will really help their fluency and asking

your child questions about what they have read will aid their comprehension. If your

child does not have appropriate books at home, please ask them to speak to us and we

will be able to provide books.


  • Times Tables and Division Facts: 

Each week your child will be tested on their times tables and division facts. They will

have 100 questions that range from their 1-12 times tables. They have 5 minutes to

answer the questions. At this point in their schooling, it is vital that children know their

times tables and division facts as it enables them to work much quicker with other

aspects of maths. If your child isn’t secure in their facts, it would be a great help to

them if this is something you could also work on at home.


If your child develops asthma or any allergies or medical conditions that we need to be aware of

please let us know as soon as possible.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to either of us on the

yard after school, or you can call the school office and ask to speak to us.


Thank you for your support!


Mr Foulkes and Miss Kime                                                           






Helpful Links

 Times Table Rockstars Times Table Rockstars is a website that we

subscribe to in order to support your child with their times tables. If

your child has forgotten their details, please just ask a member of the

Year 5 staff and we can provide them for you.


 Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spelling List

Helpful Links
