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Year 1

Year 1 Phonics Screening check will take place week commencing Monday 9th June 2025

Year 1 Class Page

Welcome to Year 1!


Year 1 – Useful Information   

Welcome to Year 1

The summer holidays are over and we have already had a busy few days in Year 1! We have lots of exciting learning to look forward to, including our new topic all about Queen Elizabeth ll and our  science topic ‘Ourselves’. We are also going to be doing lots of exciting art work based on drawing skills .


The staff working with your children this year are myself (Mrs Caudwell) and Miss Goldthorpe.



  •  In maths this term we will learn about place value, measure and addition and subtraction. 

We have a weekly times tables test on a Friday (Tests will begin later on in the autumn term).

  • This year it is really important that we learn our 1, 2, 5 and 10 times tables. It would be great if you could practise these at home too as it will help to improve the maths that the children can do in school. Please keep your child’s times table sheets at home to practise.



  • We will be continuing with our reading programme Read, Write, Inc where the children will continue to learn their speed sounds, we ask them to remember to use their knowledge of their sounds when they are reading at home too. Individual reading books will be sent home on a Friday, please fill in the home/school reading diary and let me know if your child finds their books easy, difficult or just right! You may find that your child brings home a book they have already read. This is because the focus is on comprehension and understanding. Your child should be able to read their book with little assistance to decode.
  • We have a weekly spelling test on a Friday. It is really important that the children learn the spellings that are sent home because they are common exception words and words with sounds that they need to know by the end of Year 1. We ask them to remember that it isn’t just about getting the spellings right for the spelling test; their writing will improve greatly if they remember the correct spelling of words and sounds in other writing too.



  • We have PE every Tuesday. Please make sure that your child has their full PE kit. Your child can come into school in their PE kit on a Thursday morning and remain in it all day.
  • Please remember that earrings are not allowed in school and hair needs to be tied back at all times.
  • Please provide your child with a water bottle that can be refilled each day.
  • Please make sure that all clothes, shoes, book bags and packed lunches are labelled with your child’s name.
  • Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Friday. Please bring reading books and completed homework back by Tuesday.
  • Finally, please provide your child with a book bag to keep their homework in. You can buy these from school or provide your own.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to pop into class after school or if this isn’t convenient please just ask and we can arrange a time that is.

Year 1 Phonics

Year 1 use Read, Write, Inc. Phonics scheme. Read Write Inc. Phonics is a complete literacy programme, for 4 to 7 year-olds learning to read and write.


Year 1 Reading

Year 1 have a daily class reading session and they also take part in guided reading sessions. 

To Know You More Clearly


Branch 1

Our RE  topic is 'Creation and Covenant'. We will be learning about how God is revealed to his people on earth. 


